Saturday, March 19, 2011

Work-a-holic fat kids.

I recently joined the website sparkpeople to start tracking my calorie intake and exercise (or lack thereof) and it has been really beneficial. I recommend everyone who wants to know the root cause of their weight to go ahead and join. So onto my problem, apparently I will barely eat one day (i.e. 700 calories-ish) and then gorge myself the next day (i.e. 2,500 calories).

Mainly this kind of activity revolves around my work. I leave for work in the wee hours of the morning most days and I have a very rough time eating breakfast. I have discovered Fiber One caramel bars and they have helped tremendously, giving me just enough fuel to last through the day's shoot. I feel like I need the caffeine in the morning, so I hate to admit I am still drinking soda (mostly diet though!) and by the time the shoot is over I am so hungry and usually have a long drive home, where I of course turn to fast food. Fast food obviously screws you in the health department, because sure, you can get a salad, but you will pay $6 for it and it will be completely subpar. I would rather get a $2.99 combo and have a sandwich than an overpriced crappy salad.
I don't have the option really to stay after the shoot to use the teacher's lounge and heat up some food I bring, normally because I just want to get out of there and go home. Then when I get home, I am usually too tired to make an effort at cooking and I feel bad asking Mike to take on the responsibility every single day.

I also am going to be adding more time during the week to my work schedule by helping work at my Mike's dad's new restaurant, so I really will not have time to run home and make something decent. And I don't have the money to go out to a nice restaurant every day to get something healthy.

I have really been researching to find some no fuss foods that I can take with me, to avoid the dreaded fast food world and mostly it has been a trial and error process.

  • Fresh produce has been a lifesaver. I have been trying to incorporate more fruits and veggies throughout my day. Carrots, cucumbers, zucchini, celery & apples have been my different lunch combination and have been working well to keep me energized enough until dinner.
  • I am going to buy a blender soon and am going to start trying to make some smoothies the night before work and then will have a great breakfast to make it through the day.
  • I get really sick of sandwiches, but they are a great "no fuss" food to bring along with you. Take a long soups are also great on the run and only require a quick microwaving and bam, food.
  • And dinner is all about making it a head of time. When I cook, I want to start cooking in bulk. I have to get over my leftover phobia and start thinking about my health more. It's so easy just to go to the store and pick up fried chicken or go to Cici's, but it isn't the best for my health.
This is such a frustrating subject and I am struggling with staying on track.

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