Monday, March 21, 2011

The cycle....

I went to the gym today! By myself! I put Piper in the child care and headed right up to the track. I walked a mile in 25 minutes, and then went and did some weight training. I feel good about myself!

I'm getting back on track and giving myself a goal. I remember how good it felt to lose that first 25lbs, I remember looking in the mirror thinking, "Wow, I'm looking good." Well, I haven't gained anything back, but now I look in the mirror and think, "I've got a long way to go.". And it's so true. I don't want to give up, I want to lose more! So, I'm going to put a loose goal on myself since it's not looking like I'll make the goal of getting under 300lbs before my trip to Missouri. I haven't lost anything in a long time, so I know I need to get back on track for the gym and start eating better again.

Why does weight loss have to be so hard? Why does it have to be so hard to eat less, and eat better? After reading Heathers post it has me thinking about how ridiculously expensive it is to be healthy. Society complains that Americans are fatties, they find so many ways to make us feel like complete crap for not being the size of a super model. BUT They make it next to impossible for the average person to make a serious change and get healthy. Gym memberships can be very expensive and aren't always feasible for people. Fresh produce always seems to be more expensive than a box of Twinkies. It seems like in order to make healthy lifestyle choices you need to have money. The average American family cannot afford to make those choices because they just don't have the income. It's ridiculous.

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