Saturday, March 5, 2011

Kicking it up a notch!

Next week I am going to go the gym every morning, and do cardio. EXCEPT on Friday, I'm going to work on weights. I've decided it's time to stop being lazy and get my butt back to the gym on a regular basis!

I really need to push it too! I've been walking with one of my best friends, Madee. It's a plus getting the exercise, but I definitely need to get myself back into a schedule of really working it.

I still have to lose that 10lbs to get under 300lbs before going to Missouri mid-April. I know I can do it! 10lbs in about a month will be easy if I really focus on the cardio and burn off the calories. 

I'm getting over my sinus infection, so I'll hopefully have no reason to keep me from the gym this week! 

Anybody want to do it with me? I'm probably going to be alone since my gym-buddy likes to go to the classes and I'm not that into those, except Pilates.

So, here's my challenge to everyone, do an hour of cardio 4 days this week! You'll feel so good I promise! The hard work is way worth it!!!

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