Friday, March 25, 2011

A fat girls mirror....

Raise your hand if you have low self esteem!

When I was in middle school and high school I thought I was huge. I wore baggy sweatshirts every day because I didn't want anyone to see how fat I was. I used to look in the mirror and think that if I looked like my skinny friends I would be so much happier.

What I didn't realize then is that self esteem isn't just an issue for girls who think they're fat. Even girls who we look at and think "My God she's gorgeous, and her body is perfect! No wonder guys like her!" probably have self esteem issues. Girls are bombarded with pictures and movies and tv shows that are filled with actresses that represent the ideal body type. While I applaud some shows for having a character here and there that is or was overweight at some point and therefore understands the struggles of accepting and loving yourself as you are, those shows are unfortunately few and far between.

Girls and women look at their 'role models' and inevitably find something in themselves that they deem "not good enough". We look at our favorite actresses and imagine what it would be like if only we were as perfect as them, if only our hair was cut like theirs, if only our skin was as flawless as theirs, if only we had that beautiful tan, if only we could wear that super low cut dress to the Oscars.

Well, the reality is, we can. You are hard pressed to find a woman who doesn't have some sort of self esteem or body image issues. Whether you have a perfect body, beautiful hair, and a pretty face, but can't stand the shape/size of your nose. Or you look in the mirror and think, "I'm beautiful, but I wish I wasn't so fat.". We've all been there. Many of us find ourselves there everyday.

Like I said, I used to look at myself and think I was huge. Now I look back and think, wow, in middle school I was a size 12/13 in juniors. In high school I was a size 15/16 in juniors. Now? I'm a size 22/24 in womens plus. The only comfort I find in that is that this is not the biggest I've been. And I'm hoping that with as far as I've come, I won't ever be this big again. 

But it's important to recognize that you're doing something for the right reasons. I am NOT trying to lose weight because I want to look like a picture in a magazine. I am NOT trying to lose weight because I don't like myself.

I want to lose weight because when I look at my little girl and think about the woman she'll become, I don't want her to have to go through the same struggles as I did. I want her to know that she can and should take care of her body. How can I teach her all these things if I don't do them myself? I want to lose weight because I think about how fun it is to take my daughter to the pool, or chase her in the park, or take her to an amusement park.

I want to lose weight because I want to feel sexy for my husband. I know he loves me just the way I am, but I want to feel comfortable enough to wear that sexy lingerie. I want to be healthy enough that we could live a long and happy life together.

But most of all, I want to lose weight because I know that it will make me a better me. I love myself. I think I'm fun, beautiful, and intelligent. I think I can do anything I put my mind to. I love my family, I love my friends, I love my life. When I look in the mirror now, I see a beautiful, confident woman who deserves the best.

I'm not going to pretend that I don't have self esteem issues, or that I don't want to change anything about myself, because that would be a lie. And I am who I am, if people don't like it, oh well. I just want people to feel inspired to embrace themselves for who they are and only make changes for the right reasons. If you try to change for anyone but you, it won't work.

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