Saturday, February 26, 2011

A heartfelt farewell....

Premium Ice Cream  Peanut Butter Panic® 
My Dearest Peanut Butter Panic Ice Cream,
 Lately I have been thinking about you a lot.
I have walked by you in the freezer section and considered 
opening the door and taking you in my arms back to my place.
But you have to understand that this relationship is doomed. 
It usually ends up being a one night stand, which isn't good for either of us.
You have gotten me through many a sad and happy day, 
but I think we're only using each other.
I take and take and you give and give, and when I discard you, you're empty.
But it doesn't end there for me, I have to carry around the extra weight of 
yet another meaningless encounter.
I can't promise that this goodbye is forever,
but I swear to you that if we do get together again,
you will spend more time in the freezer than you have in the past.
I will make your creamy chocolate peanut buttery goodness 
last more than one evening.
Please understand, this is for the best. 
We will meet again, but absence makes the heart grow fonder.
With my undying love and devotion,

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