Friday, February 25, 2011

Dear Soda (a breakup letter)

Dear Sodapop,

Oh soda, you sweet temptress. For as long as I can remember you have been in

my life. From sipping the foam off of my dad's Coke Big Gulp in California

to having a case of soda by my bed when I was growing up, I hate to say it

but you are my worst frenemy. You know I love you, right? You know I love

everything about you, from the fizz to the sweetness, everything about you

makes me happy. You know I don't discriminate, whether you are cola or

orange, Coke or Pepsi, well I love you just the same.

But, you know, the thing is, I just don't think we are moving in the same

direction anymore. Seeing you five times a day just isn't the best for me

anymore, and I think we both know it's time for a change in my life. No,

don't you worry, it really is me, not you. I just seem to have lost myself

in this relationship, I rely to heavy on you for my morning wake ups, my

headache relief and I just think it's time we move on from each other.

You know I'll always love you, and maybe sometimes I will still visit you

from time to time when the mood strikes me, but we both know we can't

continue on like this anymore.

All my love,


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