Thursday, February 24, 2011

An inspirational rant.....

Ok, so the conversation that started this blog was about how we think it's sad that no matter how big you are you can't help but look at someone bigger and feel all avoidy. We've both been the victims of people being reluctant to get to know us because of our weight. And we know we're not alone.
A friend of mine sent me a message about this blog and it got me thinking. Unfortunately bigger people don't want to go to the gym because they're afraid of embarrassing themselves or they're afraid they won't be able to do the workout without looking like they're about ready to keel over dead. I know I was there when I joined the gym.

I'd look around see all the skinny girls and muscle men working out and looking good in their skin tight workout clothes. And I couldn't help but feel like I was being watched. I'd hop on the treadmill in my baggy pants and gigantic t-shirt and think about how in 2 minutes I was going to be out of breath and sweating like there's no tomorrow while the chick next to me would be jogging along confidently. The thing that kept me going was the thought that I NEED TO BE HERE.

It's unfortunate that the people who REALLY need to be at the gym to work their butts off and lose the weight are also the people who are least likely to go and stick to it. I REFUSE to be the fat chick who points my chubby fingers at those who took better care of their bodies and accuses them of making me feel like crap. They didn't stuff the ice cream, cup cakes, greasy pizza, donuts, and Mt. Dew in my mouth. I DID. And now I'm the one who's taking responsibility for my face-stuffing actions and trying to whip my butt into shape.

But, I know it's not easy to go to the gym. It's not easy to go to a restaurant and order just a salad and water. The REASON it's so hard is society has a pre-conceived notion about the overweight people they see every day. They see a fat person and think, "They don't take care of their body." or "Who's she kidding ordering just a salad?". Fat people are screwed either way, if we try to eat better someone thinks we're trying to put on airs, if we go to a buffet and fill four plates at each of our trips to the buffet line someone thinks we're pigs. (and they'd be right about that last part btw....)

I was at the doctor last week because I was having chest pains. I told the doctor (not my regular doctor) that I first experienced these pains while I was jogging on the treadmill. What do you think he said? If you guessed, "Was this your first time working out?" DING DING DING WHAT DO WE HAVE FOR EM JOHNNY? That doctor took a look at me and my weight and figured the fat kid tried to jump on the treadmill and go for a run without any previous exercise.....he's an idiot. And any overweight person who thinks they can start off running marathons should join him in the idiot parade.

I am not saying it's ok to be overweight and not take care of your body. It's not, I know that, and I think that about 90% of people who fall into the category of "morbidly obese" would agree. But just because I'm fat it doesn't mean you need to treat me differently, you don't need to look at me wondering why I'm in a store that sells clothes in sizes I couldn't hope to fit into without ripping them to shreds, and you don't need to make me feel like I couldn't possibly know what it's like to take care of my body.

I honestly think it's quite probable that over the last year I've  learned more about taking care of my body and getting into shape and how important it all is than those who have been blessed with a crazy high metabolism and can eat a horse without gaining an ounce.

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely cannot believe your doctor said that! Just another stereotype again.
