Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Introductory post by Heather.

I'm not new to blogging at all, but this is my first joint effort at writing something! Kathy is my very best friend in the world, and has been with me through everything in my life from our teenage years until now. We have had so many good times and bad together and now we have to face the huge challenge of getting back into shape.

As far as the blog goes, both Kathy and I hope to add our personal stories, struggles, recipes, and humor in our attempt to accept and love ourselves and find happiness and contentment with our health.

Kathy has started already working out and doing a great job at getting healthy and I am just now jumping on the band wagon, as of, tomorrow actually. So tonight to celebrate my new journey, I ate like a true fat kid tonight with some fried chicken, potato chips & soda. I know, right? Freakin' awesome dinner! Too bad this will be the last dinner like this for a long time.

Anyway, I'm Heather and I'm twenty four (a week younger than Kathy!) and I work as a professional school photographer and do my own freelance photography as well on the side. I have an amazing mister in my life and we have been together almost a year now. We live in Virginia with our three kittymonsters and a little betta fish. I have a serious love for owls, Paul McCartney & band tshirts. I am at a really great place in my life and am so happy and fulfilled, now I just have to get my body to match up with the way I feel inside.

I haven't always been so heavy. In high school I averaged around 150 and was a size 12-14ish. I ate like crap, and throughout the years it has caught up with me. In 2008 I was diagnosed with an overactive thyroid and whether my weight was influenced by that, I am still unsure, but I gained about 50-60lbs during that year alone. Right now I weigh an awful 265lbs wearing a size 22-24, the heaviest by far I have ever been.

So, as my first day of my new anti-fat kid journey begins at 4:30am, I plan to go to the gym for the first time in years after my shoot tomorrow and am switching to diet soda. Baby steps people, baby steps.

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