Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Kathy's First Blog EVER

Well, this is literally, as the title suggests, my first time blogging. Since this will be a weight loss blog, I want to share my progress so far.

My name is Kathy. I am 24 years old. I have known Heather since freshman year, although she liked my sister more than me. *sigh*
We actually became friends in our junior year, we had practically every class together, so she had no choice but to fall madly in love with my witty and cynical personage. We've been inseparable ever since. We've been there for each other through thick and thin. Unfortunately the thin days are a behind us....perhaps my massive butt devoured my thin self.

Anyway.....I'm married to the man I've been with since February 2003, I love him more every day. I have a beautiful daughter named Piper, and 3 kitties named Jersey, Riley, and Criquette. All 4 of our children are naughty.

I was 220 lbs in high school. I thought I was so fat. I always wore sweatshirts and baggy t-shirts to cover up my fatness. After high school I gained about 50 lbs between graduation in May 2004 and my wedding day in Sept 2006. Then between my wedding day and the day I found out I was pregnant in March 2008 I gained another 65 lbs. THEN between the day I found out I was 8 wks pregnant to the day I delivered my adorable daughter in November 2008 I gained 40lbs.

So, the day I delivered my daughter I weighed 372 lbs. Since that day I have lost 62 lbs. I now weigh 310 lbs. 

I work out an average of 4 days a week at the Watertown Rec Center. I do Pilates, cardio on the treadmill/bike, and some weight training. My current goal is to lose 15 lbs before we go down to visit my parents/grand parents on April 12th in Missouri. It will be the first time I've been under 300 lbs in over 2 yrs.

I can do it!!!

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