Monday, February 28, 2011

Fat Kid's Plight (eating out)

I've noticed one of my biggest downfalls, has to be going out to eat. I think this all started when I was married and broke, so whenever I was able to go out to eat (usually funded by my parents or my ex in laws) I would order whatever I wanted and just gorge myself because it was SO good. I can usually limit myself to a normal size portion when I eat out but other places, I just eat WAY too much or eat the wrong things.

It's hard to be health conscious when eating out, usually we associate it with a treat and if you are like me, I like to treat myself very well when given the chance.

After researching a few sites I have come up with some viable fat kid options, that won't leave you staring at your dinner party's plates in envy.

  • If an option, when your food is delivered, immediately ask for half of it to be wrapped up in a to-go box. More than likely if you order a full entree, only half of it is the correct portion size. This way, you have a meal later on when you want to treat yourself and you don't have to feel guilty (or bloated) for treating yourself in moderation.
  • This is a general rule for every day, but especially when you are planning to eat out make sure to eat smaller meals during the day so you are not starving when you get to the restaurant.
  • As wonderful as buffets are, it's nearly impossible to resist getting five plates or more. I personally do not feel that I get my money's worth unless I am so miserably stuffed I can barely move when I walk out of the restaurant. Make sure to avoid these guys. Otherwise if you do go, load up on as much salad (nasty word!) as you can and only eat one plate of the good stuff.
  • Chicken Alfredo is one of my favourite foods, so I really refuse to give it up. One thing you can do, if you like the heavy sauces like I do, is ask for it on the side. This way you can control the amount on your dish. I don't like a lot of sauce and this way I can still enjoy Alfredo without bombing my calorie count for the day.
  • Instead of getting mayonnaise or dressing on a sandwich, ask for an avocado slice. These babies have a great Omega 3 content and are just as satisfying, if not better as the mayo.
  • Don't ban yourself from eating what you want, because doing this will guarantee the end of your diet, it is possible to enjoy yourself and eat sensibly as well! And if you do mess it up, don't chastise yourself, just take it in stride and realize your mistakes.

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