Saturday, September 10, 2011

A Pregnant Fat Kid

Hi, I'm Kathy. Remember me? I haven't been on in a few months. 

My weight loss has been put on hold for now because I'm currently baking baby #2! We're due March 4th 2012, so I'm 15 weeks pregnant, and have already gained more than the doctor wants.


So, I think it's time to start up my blogging efforts again to help myself keep in check. I'm following the doctors orders and eating a salad before my meals (except breakfast, that's just gross...) She told me she doesn't want me to gain more than 2lbs at my next visit which will be Sept. 29th. So, I'll be back at the gym walking and doing some light weight training on Monday. It would be really nice to get back to swimming too, but I flat out REFUSE to purchase a maternity swim suit, and you can't make me.

So, here's to gaining no more than 2lbs at my next doctors visit. Guess I'll have to keep away from all that pasta I've been loving and craving so far. BAH!

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