Thursday, May 5, 2011

It's been awhile.

Well, I haven't kept up on posting about my progress.

I honestly don't know how much I weigh. I decided to stop weighing myself for awhile. I get discouraged if I don't see big changes. But, I've been going to the gym an average of 4 times a week. My friend Mary and I have taken up swimming. We've also started doing free weights instead of weight machines because it works the muscles differently and requires more balance which requires you to use more muscles to keep yourself balanced.

I'm feeling good and noticing some differences already. Last night my husband and I went to Fast Five in the theater. I was pleasantly surprised to sit down in the theater seat and discover that my butt fit just fine. It has been years since that happened. And even when we went to Hop with Piper it was a bit of a struggle.

So, I'm proud of myself for the progress I'm beginning to make. And I can't wait to see more results over the summer!!

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